NaNoWriMo Coming...

I’ve decided to do my first ever NaNoWriMo this year. I edit as I write, which slows me down a lot, so I imagine this will be a pretty big challenge. But I figure that if I can even get a good start on something new, that’ll be good. Haven’t decided what I’m going to do yet. I thought about maybe doing the sequel to Dragonlines, as I’ve been researching and brainstorming for that, but I think I might want to do something new for this. My untitled fantasy story about Discorides the Vintner is already a hundred pages or so in, so I’ll need to pass on that too.

My current thought is that it will be a Kazarim Campaign Setting novel, linking back to some of the characters showcased in the flash fiction bits in the book, but we’ll see what I feel like when I get to November.


The Metagame


Morality in Gaming; or Why I Don't (Usually) Do Alignment