Kazarim Campaign Setting
For the last ... oh, 27 years ... I've been toying around with concepts that would eventually become the Kazarim Campaign Setting. It originated as a really bad novel when I was in middle school (I can't even imagine how horrid the writing would look to me now. I'm glad I don't know where it went), then became an Advanced D&D 2E home-brewed game before morphing along with the game system into 3rd Edition, 3.5, and finally into Pathfinder.
For the last six years or so, when I needed to take a break from writing and editing Dragonlines, I wrote down the scattered plots and ideas of my home group's RPG games into what is now 400-page (plus) campaign setting book for Pathfinder 1st Edition. While I've been play-testing and revising the setting for some time now, I've finally got it into the hands of a few select others. Ideally, this will let me see if there is a broader appeal than the six or seven regular players I have, and to see if without my being there to explain things, people will understand the setting and rules.
I'm also working with the fabulous Karen Neil (http://krneil.tumblr.com/) on artwork for the book, and I must say, I'm just silly with excitement. I will post some of the artwork as it becomes available. In the next few weeks, I'm going to be setting up a Patreon site to help fund that art, and hopefully get some of it together a little more quickly than I would be able to do on my own. Stay tuned!
Cheers! --Rusty