NaNoWriMo Update
I started my NaNoWriMo project! Not sure if it will be official through the NaNoWriMo website, but I have a couple thousand words already! Going with a story set in the Kazarim Campaign Setting. The main character is Goda, the Second Librarian of the Royal Library of Qirqin. A subordinate accuses him of theft of a rare book—one of the most severe crimes possible in a culture obsessed with recovering the knowledge of its past—prompting Goda to discover a bond with an ancient spirit and sending him on an adventure that will turn a court librarian into a full-blown kazarim.
You can join my progress over on my Patreon page, which started up officially today!Normally works-in-progress will be at the $5 tier, but I’m making a special case in celebration of launching my Patreon page by including Goda’s story in the $1 tier. That means I’ll be uploading Goda’s story twice a month. I’ll do a little editing for spelling and the like, but these posts should be considered definite works-in-progress.
Your patronage will help me finish up the Kazarim Campaign Setting and my other writing in a variety of ways. I’ll be able to caffeinate myself, for one, and take some time off from the day job periodically to write more. I’ll also be able to pay the wonderful Karen Neil some money for more artwork.