Ultimate Wilderness and the Curse of Version Change

I just picked up Ultimate Wilderness, which I’m guessing is the last major rule book for Pathfinder 1st Edition. There’s some great stuff in it, especially for rangers and druids, and the new shifter class is interesting enough. I particularly enjoy the discovery and exploration system in Ultimate Wilderness, and feel that it should have been core rules from the start.

It seems to me that often some of the best options for a game come in the final book of the product line. This was certainly the case for Shadowrun, where the rigger-themed book was always the final book before the release of the next edition (until 5th edition broke this tradition), causing some of the crunchiest, most interesting rules to get lost in the upgrade push to the new rule set. I feel Ultimate Wilderness suffers from that same fate. Just adds another layer to my sadness about the upcoming Pathfinder 2nd Edition.

But onward, I guess. I’m going to be using the discovery/exploration rules in the Love of a Fallen Empire adventure path, along with variations on some of the social interaction rules from Ultimate Intrigue (another good book that came along far too late in the publishing cycle for the edition).


Identity and Shapeshifting


Spinning Worlds